Historic Preservation Commission

historic preservation commission

The Council finds that many buildings having historic, architectural, aesthetic, or cultural interest have been neglected, altered, or destroyed, in spite of the feasibility  of preserving and continuing the use of such buildings and without adequate consideration of the irreplaceable loss to the people of the Commission.

The Council finds that the city has buildings, historic sites, and areas that represent the people who over the years have lived and worked in the city during its history. The City Council has found that the significant character of this city can only be maintained by protecting and enhancing its historic, architectural, aesthetic, and cultural heritage by preventing unnecessary injury or destruction of its landmarks and historic districts which are civic and community assets.

For more information or to view the complete ordinance click below.

To contact the commission, email historicpreservation@cityofscottsville.org.

Historic Preservation Ordinance.


Michael Cooksey
Holly Wood
Dolorse Rice
Ed Angela
Gayle Davis